Business detail

The value that Kaleido Japan creates

We often hear that the conventional common practices in the industry is outdated and the past business achievements and know-hows don't work properly. The new age has come for Japanese companies focused only on the Japanese domestic market so far to need to eye the overseas market drastically regardless of their company sizes.

While marketing requires extravagant cost and time as in the conventional theory for its questioned effect, the planning shows remarkable results that focuses only on the necessary information from unique imagination and alternative point of view.

Kaleido Japan thinks of and pursue the following matters seriously and acts based on it.

  • What makes everyone happy
  • What makes the world happier
  • To respect the authentic things

New shop planning

We'd like to propose new shop plans using information of different industries and overseas based on "modern" lifestyle while building on the actual achievements and know-hows that clients have fostered.


Why doesn't "products" sell well?
We'd like to tie "producer's" thoughts and stories on the product with "customer's" thoughts and desire for it through women's sensibility.

Culture-related business

We'd like to introduce excellent products, things and people to domestic and international market effectively.
Information tends to come from overseas ahead of "Japan's" sending information but we'd like to send it from Japan to all around the world.

Brand marketing business

We conduct the overseas brand importing, selling and branding business.
We also conduct the expansion support business for overseas brand to enter the Japanese market.